Time for Marketers and IT to Pal Up…IBM’s State of Marketing 2012

IBM’s “State of Marketing 2012” reached out to more than 350 global marketing professionals.

Marketing has moved beyond awareness…

Marketers must champion a collaborative approach with IT, to effectively focus on experiences throughout a product/ customer life-cycle.

“It’s more about people, than products”

What you must know:

Data will create the competitive difference
Mobile is no longer an option


Marketers are still challenged with using social media
  • 79% Run social marketing in silos, discretely and on an ad hoc basis
  • 51% have yet to use social media data to target better marketing content
  • …and only 22% are creating purposeful integrated campaigns

Professionally Produced Video Can No Longer Hold It’s “Marketing” Own! | @comScore report

This study supports our approach with great emphasis on original content.

ComScore explored the “synergy of professionally-produced video content and user-generated product videos” to determine marketing effectiveness.  What I find most compelling is the level of emotional connection and understanding is significantly higher within user-generated videos.

Authenticity and conviction are clearly defined when a brand explores opportunities to celebrate original content at the same level as branded, more professional content. Great study comScore!!!

Original video messages are more emotional and easier to relate to than branded-professional content.

For more…meander through our Focus 2012 Trend Report

More Metwit…More Weather…More Fun…More Me!

Always adding more…Metwit offers unique and fun spirited updates!

Home page updates

Quickly invite friends to join Metwit via email or Facebook.  The ability to extend a kind “thanks” or comment on posts also encourages stronger connections.  A reciprocal process that often inspires a cycle-of-courtesy!

With more emotional expressions,  Metwitters can now gauge how the weather is truly impacting life!

Sharing real-time emotion allows us to shift from a “THE” weather to a “MY” weather experience.

  • How do you feel today?
  • Add geek data
  • Add comments

Truly unique expressions!

Instagram! More original content, more authenticity and more conviction!

Can’t wait to see what Metwit offers next week!


Original…MINI USA Gets The Message Right

One of our key emerging trends is the idea of original.

The idea of original begins with an emotion, an independent thought, or a very different approach. Original can also be empowering and reflect a very personal journey, a hope to inspire or a need to connect.

Appreciate original and the need to be social… Everything else will naturally fall into place

Learning to trust people with the brand’s image…

Enabling people in the process of defining a new feature and certainly co-creating the next message can be a bit of a challenge, but MINI USA seems to have found a way.

Only an “ORIGINAL” idea could offer MINI USA the crazy mix of genius substance needed to create a new MINI Coupe message. With this in mind, MINI USA challenged everyone to share six words that express The Best Test Drive Ever. Period.

After receiving thousands of suggestions, Mathew Foster’s brilliantly nonsensical description was selected as the #1 in The Best Test Drive Ever. Period.


Within social media we find that many people are defining their personal worth by what they create, discover and are willing to share. Original content seems to have an advantage, as the social explorer also becomes the social discoverer and then…the hero.  This is only the beginning.

For more information about The Best Test Drive Ever. Period!

To learn more about the new MINI Coupe, visit MINI USA

What Social Media Should Be…Original

Video Inspires a Cycle-of-Courtesy via @TEDTalks

We often use the term Cycle-of-Courtesy for describing a reciprocal process within social media.  In this talk TED’s Chris Anderson shares his thoughts for how web video is creating and inspiring the ideal conditions for innovation.

These conditions create intense levels of understanding and connection. Advantages grow from collective ideas, not individual agendas, or predetermined direction.

Chris Anderson  “Web video is driving Crowd Accelerated Innovation”

Original and inventive ideas come to life, they are set into motion via a Cycle-Of-Courtesy.   The benefits of these powerful ideas and connections is still, yet to be discovered.  But, we do know that it remains important not to disrupt the natural process of discovery and sharing.  Within collective innovation, this natural process establishes the intention of ideas and a course for innovation.

“A new Cycle-of-Courtesy has developed; where people, compelled to share ideas and experiences with others, has become a common and expected task. It’s as if they feel it’s their duty…informing others is simply a natural part of the reciprocal process”

Social Media…The Pulse of Revolution | Excerpt from @mathewi

A great post by GIGAOM, “Social media, tipping points and revolutions”  supports our idea of “original”, the evolving need for people to be heard and…our trend report cover :o!

Truly emotional, somewhat political, but completely original!

Mathew explores the role of social media within the “Arab Spring” revolutions.  He supports the power of connections via  Jon Elster and his idea that revolution has four “distinct” and essential phases.  Mathew then shares the brilliant perception of Zeynep Tufekci, The University of North Carolina, Sociologist and Social-media researcher who describes social media as “collective action/information cascade”.   (See Below)

“Now or Never”

We agree, Mathew has shared the important elements that have motivated a reformation of the idea of governing.   For instance, have a look at the differences between “The Tea Party” and “Occupy Wall Street”The Tea Party was propelled by a very focused political agenda.  Occupy Wall Street began with one simple demand, but seems to allow for “original” ideas, with flexibility and a diversity of  issues, that address more than a disappointment with government.  The organic nature of various “Occupy” locations and topics is more likely to ensure that people’s interest remains sustainable.

Thoughts from our recent report –

The Ability to Collaborate

One of the key emerging trends is the idea of “Original”.  Original can mean many different things, but  most notably “original’ intensifies the need to collaborate. People are keen to play a stronger role in influencing performance, and absolute in their demand for relevance.

It has been said that Facebook did not start the idea of revolution, and this is true. People took on the role of disruptor in order to gain a voice, and a place within their community and government. Social media simply acted as the connector, an enabler of dialogues and information, and perhaps more important the collective confidence that others share their original ideals.

The Results

Filters are created from shared passion(s) and information. At the same time, authentic connections are not disrupted by  the misrepresentation of traditional channels… People continue to create new and very trusted-original sources.

Please visit GIGAOM for the full article.

Life In A Day| Truly Emotional…Completely Original via @YouTube


Google has released the final version of Life In A Day via YouTube.  In an inspiring example of co-creation, thousands of people from 192 countries, uploaded 4,500 hours of life to YouTube on July 24, 2010.

The film’s executive producer Ridley Scott and director by Kevin Macdonald have captured a global moment in time…life as it was on July 24th.



Exploring The “Value” of Collaboration| Featuring IBM’s CMO Study and a post by @koertbakker

IBM recently released the IBM Global CMO Study for 2011. The study offers a comprehensive look inside the challenges facing more than 1,700 global CMOs from 64 countries.

In chapter one, IBM challenges CMOs to “Deliver value
to empowered customers”, reflecting the importance of understanding people and using digital media as a source for insight.

IBM asked CMOs to “rank each factor in terms of its expected impact on the marketing function over the next three to five years”.  IBM also considers levels of confidence CMOs feel about managing each factor. 

Figure 4 illustrates the critical issues.

While we completely agree with the critical issues, we are also keen to explore number nine, “Customer Collaboration and Influence”  as a significant part of all the other issues.  Collaborative agendas redefine the process and the multiple dimensions of value. Continue reading

Wanted/Needed…Social Media Sideline Reporter @PhoenixSuns

As sports teams/organizations get more social smart and social savvy, you will see more of these calls for help. Sports teams are looking for ways to keep their fan bases alive with anticipation…and fans want to be involved.

As we learned during our research for Collaboration and Co-Creation, the Phoenix Suns have one of the most loyal fan bases in the NBA. The Suns are committed to involving fans as much as possible and understand the value of fan-to-fan interaction. Recently, the Phoenix Suns made an announcement for a new job opening for a social media sideline reporter, the first and only one of its kind in their history. Continue reading