Social Media and Facebook…How is your Defense?

 It’s not just social media…It’s a foundation for collaborative innovation and the most important element of sustainable business strategies

“I think”

We are monitoring a Facebook page that is generating a great deal of personal thought in opposition to a brand’s suggestion. The brand seems to be losing control of their message as posts continue. An alternative page was created and is growing at an accelerated rate.  It is possible that the alternative page may never have been created if the brand had responded in a timelier manner and with genuine regard. Continue reading

Are the Buffalo Bills Listening!?!

Yesterday’s post, (see below) challenged the NFL and their teams to engage fans more in the NFL Draft. Pallino1021 offered a few examples of how to form stronger emotional ties by including FANS in the team’s draft.

Did someone at the Buffalo Bills happen to read this post!?!

Today, the Buffalo Bills tweeted…


“What position” would you like the see the #Bills address with their next selection: Round 4, 122 overall.

Brilliant! A step in the right direction. Keep up the good work. Including fans, even by simply asking for their thoughts, made ME feel like a part of the team!!

Go You Buffalo Bills!

The Back Story!

Bring the Fans Into the NFL Draft Experience!

Social Media: Staying Tuned-In to the NFL


A Look at What Ads Should Be

TED wanted to celebrate ads/videos that nurtured our need to stay-tuned,  get involved and ultimately SHARE!

Messages can no longer simply broadcast self-proclaimed brilliant content and hope that people will pay attention.   TED created Ads Worth Spreading, a competition to better understand what compelling content is. Continue reading

I’ll Have the Authenticity, Please!


Recently, while visiting a restaurant (The Colony Restaurant), I asked to look at the menu. I was handed an elegantly bound and foil-stamped leather menu with the tasty appetizers and entrees printed inside. Then the young lady said “Oh, here is a copy of the specials for tonight”. It was a photo copy of the handwritten specials, as created and described by the Chef (who also happens to be the owner). I asked “Do you hand these out to the patrons, or just have the servers read them?” “We hand them out to the guests.” was the reply. “We tried printing them on nice card-stock and handing them out, but everyone kept asking for the menu written by the Chef”.

Not that the descriptions were any different, it was the “authenticity” that they are craving.  Guests wanted to know just how the Chef was thinking and the exact words he used to describe his creations.

Guests felt connected to the Chef… he was writing these specials just for them…

What businesses need to do today… Continue reading

Physicians Facilitate and Benefit from Collective Care

The aspiration of Collaborative Health-Care guides readers through the introduction of our soon to be released book, Collaboration and Co-Creation: New Platforms in Marketing and Innovation. (Springer) Collaborative health-care is a groundbreaking and progressive form of treatment. Not only does it engage patients, but it encourages a physician—patient cooperative relationship during every aspect of care, from diagnoses to treatment of their disease. Continue reading

Relating Everyday to Social Media Messages

I was listening to a presentation from Ari Weinzweig, CEO/Co-founder of Zingerman’s. You know Zingerman’s…named “The Coolest Small Company in America” by Inc Magazine. He was talking about keeping co-workers “tuned in” and part of the program. Continue reading

“People Want To Be Heard”…Oprah Winfrey

As the next chapter of “Oprah” begins, we are reminded of what makes Oprah such an extraordinary blessing to those inspired by all things “O”!

Listening…a unique and most humble of gifts.

No  doubt the future of Oprah will be even more inspiring, as the ability for people to connect has been embraced, and listening is already a key element of the process.

So far…more than 12,000 people “like” the idea of being heard and Oprah understands the importance of listening. [Nearly 5,000 comments]

Our post from August 2010

Do You see Me…?

Did You hear Me…?

and did, what I say mean anything to You…?

Simply, why is Oprah Winfrey so Respected, Trusted and Adored by millions?  

She Cared to listen.

“People Want To Be Heard” – Oprah Winfrey    Digital Media teams may want to schedule a few Oprah sessions during the final season.  Understanding why people need to be heard and just how to really listen,  could offer far more value than any conference.
