#OptOutside: REI Encourages Shoppers To Experience Life

The ultimate in personalized brand experiences. REI is giving shoppers a reason to do something other than shop. REI will close on Black Friday, pay employees for the day, and motivate all-of-us to create memories.

Using the hashtag #OptOutside, brand engagement is already strong and emotional connections to REI are very positive.

Read More Here:

http://footwearnews.com/2015/business/retail/rei-close-black-friday-pay-employees-opt-outside-thanksgiving-holiday-165071/ via @footwearnews

How To Speak Startup

Love this… gets right to heart of what it takes!

Pew: Facebook User Growth Slowed As Others Gained, But Still Has Most Engaged Users

More Online Americans Using Multiple Social Media Sites-

Facebook, Google, And Twitter’s War For App Install Ads

Just too many apps.
Future solutions will focus on what YOU select as important, helping you filter out all of the noise from your connected world.

IoT platforms and the product iteration argument

The Internet of Things (IoT) offers an important point of communication and the ability to learn about consumer lifestyle.
For consumers, the ability to manage all of these connected things is going to be a challenge. FridgeNality accounts for IoT and manages very smart connections.


When it comes to the smart home, big names like Nest and Dropcam have gotten most of the attention due to their product success and lucrative acquisition figures. But as impressive as these products have been, there are a multitude of other unknown products ranging from door locks to basic thermostats that require connectivity and back end cloud services.

Stepping into this market niche are a wave of Internet of Things (IoT) platform providers that work with manufacturers to provide both hardware (modules with a processor and a wifi chip) and software services like iOS/Android integration, APIs, and cloud services. While big players like GE and Cisco likely will make a play for this space, particularly on the industrial side, the early startups include Electric Imp, Ayla Networks, Xively and Arrayent.

Sexy air conditioning

It’s a lot less sexy than Nest, but for manufacturers that don’t have internal engineering teams…

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#makingAdifference Shinola: One Detroit Man’s Quest to Revive American Manufacturing

Via Mashable

Twitter Pollutes The Timeline

“A variety of signals”…relevant and interesting or noise?

Twitter is TV

I can’t imagine our world advancing in a more positive direction without Twitter. #Connected

What LinkedIn’s marketing prospects look like after its Bizo buy

An interesting future for LinkedIn.


Last weekend, Bloomberg News got ahold of what it claimed was an internal LinkedIn memo where the company envisioned a $1 billion business by 2017 as an “integrated marketing and sales platform” for business-to-business (B2B) marketers, fueled with its $175 million acquisition of Bizo. Business Insider posted the purported document a few days later. Is this vision realistic? And what does it mean for digital marketing and advertising?

What Bizo does is what marketing automation phrase-makers call “multichannel nurturing.” Most of that nurturing drives either email marketing or advertising re-targeting. In B2B marketing, it’s usually about lead generation and email lists — the path from white paper or webinar through Marketo to sale and back again.

Can LinkedIn pull it off?

LinkedIn’s marketing solutions revenue was $360 million in 2013, and was weighted towards ads and content marketing that complement LinkedIn’s main business of recruiting and career management. Ads for conferences…

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