Disney’s Immersive Experiences Build Emotional Connections

Disney’s Mission “How do we become the best 30 minutes in a child’s day?

Building emotional connections…

The Disney Store has created an ideal example of extending the brand experience.  The new interactive stores put “FUN” first.

Rather than stimulating interest in products with sales-like dialogues, Disney can nurture the purchase process…leading to the perfect purchase and an emotional connection.

The process of play creates and forms a truly emotional connection

Magic is abounding… as Children are transported into a bit of Disney enchantment via play areas that have been transformed into completely immersive environments.

The Castle welcomes you, to play within, and Magic Trees come to life with stories and visual images. Digital signage offers brand new content everyday and with advanced technology may soon offer extreme personalized interaction. (e.g. Facial recognition and RFID)

Image via Disney Store Blog

Immersive experiences must be interactive, and allow for a very natural process of interaction.   Through the process of discovery, memories are created, flooding the shopping occasion with emotional ties.  Special events and birthday parties can also be held at the new Disney Stores.

Disney has not only created the ideal shopping occasion, but they have also crafted a unique advantage of learning.  In an almost ethnographic manner, Disney can observe how children interact with toys and play areas.  Insights will very likely inspire new ideas and opportunities for enhancement.  Authentic perceptions will allow Disney to visualize and refine offerings in real-time.

A Fountain of Knowledge…the ability to visualize products in new ways…

The Disney Store Shopping experience will also serve as a digital media connector, thus nourishing the Disney ecosystem of knowledge.

Ecosystems are made up of intelligent connectors that supply continuous learning.  At the same time, stimuli is extracted, refined and introduced back into the social graph or decision making process.  Disney creativity will be ever more inspired.

Strengthened emotional connection to brands… instantly motivates sharing.

The Disney Store has also enabled a very “social” adoption of Facebook; allowing families to post thoughts and images about their shopping occasions.

Please see our Trend Report for More


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