Coca-Cola and Pepsi have learned how to “TRUST”

Coca-Cola and Pepsi have learned how to TRUST and have received TRUST+ in return.

As we mentioned in Connecting, upon giving up “complete” control of their brand image/messages, Coke and Pepsi have learned to co-create.

  • Identifying  people that have true interest in their products
  • Enable influence and establish solid connectors
  • React to comments
  • Respond to disruptive situations
  • Develop relevant content
    • Emotional connections
    • Sustainable connections
  • Leverage opportunity for collaboration and co-creation
  • Monitor and measure effectively
  • Listen – adapt – Listen- adapt

People now feel more a part of the entire brand experience and far more emotionally connected. Mobile connections are certain to be even stronger!

HBR share thoughts on how these beverage giants are leveraging the power of social connections.

How Coke and Pepsi Are Using Social Media to Build Their ‘Trust Banks’


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